We are delighted to be putting this new Human Studies website online.
Its aim is to provide an resource bank for introducing young people to Humanism and some of the wider issues that face Humanity.
It is being developed as a joint venture involving Uganda Humanist Schools Trust, the Uganda Humanist Schools Association and Humanist Schools in Uganda.
We hope the site will help to foster a shared culture among the Humanist Schools in Uganda, and that the materials will enrich the educational experiences of the young people that attend these pioneering schools. We regard all the materials as works in progress. They will be adapted in the light of feedback from their use with students.
We hope that teachers and young people around the world will also adapt the materials to suit their own needs and share with us their experiences. We welcome suggestions from international partners for enhancements to this website and links to other materials that would help teachers and students in Uganda and elsewhere to develop a caring community and global view of pressing issues facing humanity.
We are very grateful to the Center for Education of the American Humanist Association for allowing us to adapt their publication “Ten Commitments of Living Humanist Values: Workbook for Kids“, which gave us a critical mass of materials to launch the website. We look forward to extending this partnership and also to working with other Humanist organisations around the world.