Human Studies Resource Bank
Learning materials for global citizens inspired by Humanist Values
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Our aim
Empowering young people to create a better world
Human values
These were expressed in
The Code for Global Ethics: Ten Humanist Principles
by Rodrique Tremblay as:
- Dignity: Proclaim the natural dignity and inherent worth of all human beings.
- Respect: Respect the life and property of others.
- Tolerance: Be tolerant of other’s beliefs and lifestyles.
- Sharing: Share with those who are less fortunate and assist those who are in need of help.
- No domination: Do not dominate through lies or otherwise.
- No superstition: Rely on reason, logic and science to understand the universe and to solve life’s problems.
- Conservation: Conserve and improve the Earth’s natural environment.
- No war: Resolve differences and conflicts without resorting to war or violence.
- Democracy: Rely on political and economic democracy to organise human affairs.
- Education: Develop one’s intelligence and talents through education and effort.
This website brings together many useful resources for teaching and learning.
“Love the range”
Not only is there useful content on a variety of topics there are thoughtful ideas on pedagogy.
“Fantastic ideas in one place”
The materials will help our teachers to apply the Humanist Ethos to Human problems.